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Antti Nordin

Antti Nordin, born on 7.10.1960, is an artist working in various fields of art as music, songwriting, sculpture and painting. He has over 15 years experience in music and visual art workshops for children and young people in schools, summer camps and art-projects.
Drums for Peace related projects:

Workshop leader at youth exchanges:
2013, “Vibes” in Vaeggerløse, Guldborsgund, Denmark;
2013, “CreatLearn“ exchange based in Nykoebing school, in school time, Nykoebing F, DK;
2014, “Vibes” in Sakskoebing, Guldborsgund, Denmark;
2014, “Cultures on the Road“, in Gandellino, Italy;
2015, “Communication-cooperation” in Saksköbing Dennmark;
2015, “Right Art” in Chiavenna, Italy;
2015, “Exchanges for All” in Stubbekoebing, Denmark;
2015, “Exchanges for All“ in Klaipeda, Kleipeda, Jaunimo Sodyba, Lithuania;
2016, "Connected" in Sakskoebing, DK;

Training courses and meetings:
2011, "Culture across borders", seminar for artists in Knivsberg, Sønderborg, DK;
2011, The DfP annual meeting in Porto, PT;
2011, Planning meeting for G2 project "New life to traditional stories" in Porto, PT;
2012-2014, Grundtvig lifelong learning project "New life to old stories" (international);
2013, “Stensl“ in Iceland;
2013, “Cool Jam" in Finland;

Apart from working as an artist, Antti has been preparing groups of young people to participate in DFP exchanges and projects since 2007.

About the workshop(s):

"The songwriting workshop is about composing and writing your own music with some spices of visual arts. To create music and arts is open for everyone and you don’t need to know how to play or sing to be able to do that. Music is around us and my workshop gives an opportunity to everyone to express themselves in a creative and safe environment, together with other people.
We are starting the songwriting either with lyrics or the music in smaller groups. You can also write your own song individually, if you want. With each group we work with the lyrics, melody and arrangement and find out if somebody wants to play an instrument etc.
We then continue to work with rehearsing the songs and performing them to each other. One important part is also how to perform the songs, is there going to be a choreography on stage, what is our stage person like, how would I like to dress on stage, what is the way I want to perform my song. So basically we go from scratch to a finished performance in few days.
The visual arts/sculpture part can be used in many ways. Often participants paint and reshape some cardboard boxes that are used to create a big sculpture together as part of the decoration in the show. The boxes can be painted as individual pieces of art or with a theme decided together. This is an easy and fast way to create big sculpture, decoration or visual objects that can be used in the performance. In this workshop everyone can join in the way they want and with as much or little effort they want and have an experience of creating music, art , just hard work and being on stage performing for live audience your own work of art."

Contact information (links to Antti's music and art):


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